So I will confess, I like gadgets so when Covid hit, I bought a pulse oximeter as everyone told me that if you get Covid and it is getting worse, it will be a good measuring device of the severity. Since I had covid before they were even calling it covid, I never really used it for that but I have used it A TON for my asthma. And of course when I was in the hospital, they had one on me most of the time. (Getting in and out of the bathroom with an IV and all these wires and gizmos was a bit much if you haven’t tried it and my gown had a pocket for the little pack for all that stuff and it was still difficult) Anyway I digress. Just a bad flashback.
Anyway, there are times with my asthma where I feel like I am not doing great and it ramps my anxiety up to the roof and putting the pulse oximeter on calms me right down. Oh look I am still at 96 or 95 or 97 (these are my usual numbers, I usually don’t go much above that except once in a while and I never really go below 95) so it knocks the mental challenge of asthma right off. The worry and the unknown. Well, now I know.
My brother had asthma growing up and I am sure it was very stressful on my parents to not know if he was doing ok. For 20 bucks, you can buy one of these little gadgets and know immediately if you or your child or whoever is at least getting enough oxygen. They still might be having an attack so don’t use it to assume that is not happening but stress can make attacks worse and having people around you all freaked out doesn’t help. My husband being all freaked out and asking me right in my face when I can barely talk seems to not calm me down. But sitting upright and doing some controlled breathing and wearing a pulse oximeter helps me get my mind focused. Then at least I am not fighting an asthma attack and anxiety at the same time.
It also helps to know if you do get sick or have an issue and the number changes. What are your normal numbers? It is good to know your benchmarks.