advair Archives - The Asthma News -- a Resource for Asthma with all the News in one spot Mon, 01 May 2023 20:48:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 My Personal Review of Advair — So far anyway Tue, 18 Apr 2023 15:36:56 +0000 So I have been pretty open about my asthma struggles and over the last month I have seen my internist who put me on Advair 250/50 and I actually felt quite a lot more energy after a couple of days.  Last week I went to see my pulmonologist and he increased it to 500/50 —...

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So I have been pretty open about my asthma struggles and over the last month I have seen my internist who put me on Advair 250/50 and I actually felt quite a lot more energy after a couple of days.  Last week I went to see my pulmonologist and he increased it to 500/50 — which to be honest I have not been able to pick up yet as Cigna – my health insurance company — for some friggin reason — says I am not allowed to have it for another week.  Like I have to use up all the 250/50 first – STUPID.   Anyway so this is a review of my experience on 250/50 and I am still wheezy so I am hoping that the 500 does some more magic because I do feel a lot better now that I did without the Advair and I am now able to ween off the Prednisone that I have been on since February.  So now I am down to 5 mg of prednisone a day for the next week and then kicking down to 2.5 mg and then off completely — fingers crossed.

I haven’t had any weight gain on the Prednisone and I have lost weight the past few months but I have had puffy fingers and toes and my blood pressure has been a bit high a couple of times so hoping ditching the Prednisone fixes that all up.

So here is what Advair is all about :

Advair is a brand name for a combination inhaler medication used to treat asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It contains two active ingredients: fluticasone propionate, a steroid that helps reduce inflammation in the airways, and salmeterol xinafoate, a long-acting bronchodilator that helps relax the muscles in the airways, making it easier to breathe.

Advair is usually prescribed for people with moderate to severe asthma or COPD, who require both a steroid and a bronchodilator to control their symptoms. The medication is available in different strengths, depending on the severity of the condition, and is usually taken twice a day by inhalation.

As with any medication, there are potential side effects associated with Advair. These can include headaches, throat irritation, hoarseness, coughing, and increased risk of pneumonia or other respiratory infections. It is important to talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of taking Advair, and to follow the instructions for use carefully to minimize the risk of side effects.

You take it in this weird kind of inhaler where it is a powder.   BE SURE TO RINSE YOUR MOUTH OUT AFTER you use it — and do not swallow the rinse water.  As it can cause mouth issues.

THIS IS JUST MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE — THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE.   But I have gone from being very weak and really struggling and very winded when I climb the stairs to now being just south of normal.  I am still not “strong” and I am still not “well”  but I do feel like I have a lot more quality of life.  I can climb the stair and I am now able to walk around more which you can’t really do rehab if you can’t walk or climb stairs — RIGHT.  So moving in the right direction


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